I decided to make pillowcases for the grandchildren for Christmas each year. These are the ones that were given to them for Christmas 2011. The pillowcases were a fun project that I hope they will use throughout the year and remember grandma while they use them.
I need to watch for Christmas prints as soon as they are available, so that I can make each one out of a different fabric/print. One family has three little ones and I don't want duplicate prints sent there.
This would be a fun project for birthday parties, baby showers, different holidays, and who knows what else. Have you done anything like this before? What would you give a custom pillowcase for?
Next time some knitting content. Happy knitting and spinning.
We did this for a favorite babysitter one year. Her birthday is on Christmas so we gave her a birthday present instead of a Christmas present, since she had mentioned before that she felt her birthday got lost in the Christmas rush. Anyway, I made a pillowcase and then the kids put their handprints in different colors all over the case with their names and ages on it, too. She LOVED it!
That is so cute!! Hmmm, gives me some ideas then for Christmas :), I bought my oldest grand daughter a sewing machine for her birthday and will be helping her learn to use it, that might be an easy project for her :). Hope things are going well. :)
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