Thursday, October 6, 2016

Knitting Has Been Happening

Knitting Has Been Happening

I haven't fallen off the face of the Earth. I have just been busy going back to school working on my Bachelor's degree (one class each semester so far), full time work, part time work, lots of knitting, and some traveling.

Color Affection
 I finished this Color Affection shawl for a friend who moved from our area. This is the second time I made this pattern and this time I really liked it. It turned out nicer than the first one and it is so soft. I am hoping that it will keep this friend warm as winter will set in out in Utah before very long.

I used Woolike yarn from Michael's for this shawl. I was surprised at how soft and wonderful it felt as it is an acrylic and nylon blend. In fact, I liked the yarn so much, I went back and bought enough to make a lightweight sweater or two for myself.
 I knit this Ashton shawl by Dee O'Keefe for another friend who moved to California. This was a fun knit. The pattern didn't have beads on it, but I thought some little purple beads would look so pretty on this shawl. I really like how it turned out and I would like to make myself one, probably without the bead though. The beading slowed the knitting down quite a bit.

This shawl was knit with a Zauberball lace which is a single ply. I don't really like to work with single plies, but this one wasn't bad at all. I might even succumb and purchase another ball one day soon to make a really large shawl for someone else. The beads were some that I had in my stash from a project many years ago. I only used one tube of beads, so I still have another full tube left in the stash.
H's Modig
 This little vest, the Modig, was made for our twelfth grandchild. It is made with Paton's Encore yarn which I picked up at Second Story Knits in Bethesda during the Metro Yarn Crawl in April. In fact, I started this little vest the night I bought the yarn. I only had a week to make it before flying out to meet this new little baby. I love how the blue and green car buttons just fit the vest. Perfect for a little boy.

Truth be told, this is the second Modig I made. I also made one out of stashed Luna yarn for my niece's baby who is about the same age as "H" but much smaller. My niece says her little one can probably wear this when she is five.
Maryland Sheep and Wool 2016
May brought the Maryland Sheep and Wool show. I loved going this year. I probably spent more money than I should have, but I found some wonderful things. I found that the jumbo flyer for an Ashford Kiwi will fit my Ashford Scholor, so I bought the jumbo flyer and can now get a larger skein when plying.

I found I really like Turkish spindles and I found a couple of really nice ones. I also replaced my Trindle. My first Trindle's arm don't stay in very well, they keep flying off when spinning which is very annoying. I like the new Tridle, it spins very nicely. I also bought some yarn: Ella Rae worsted in a pine green and Elsebeth Lavold Silky Wool in a pumpkiny color. I also bought one hank of fingering weight yarn from Dragonfly Fibers in their show colorway.

I have lots of new projects, lots of UFOs, and projects in the planning stages. I am hoping that getting back into blogging will help keep me accountable and give me a goal to get some things finished as I would like to share my progress on all these yarny pursuits.

Happy knitting and spinning.


LDSVenus said...

Glad to know why your blogging had stopped and that shawl is gorgeous!!! I'll have to get the pattern and make one, you enabler you :P. Hope your education is going well, you are really busy with school, a full time and part time job, sheesh. Hope you have time to blog here and there, love seeing what you are working on :).

harada57 said...
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MCX Tips said...

Good post written about "Knitting Has Been Happening"

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maria said...

thanks for sharing
good luckk
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NADER said...

تنظيف مسابح
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شركة تنظيف المسبح

السلام عليكم ومرحبا بكم جميعا.....فى بدايه كلامى احب ان ارحب بكم.....كلنا نعلم اهميه المسابح فى حياتنا لما نستخدمها من ترفيه واستمتاع
ومن ثم فنستنتج ان تنظيف المسابح شى مهم وضرورى جدا فى حياتنا من اجل الحفاظ على صحتنا والاستمتاع بها ومن ثم عليكم جميعا الاتصال والتواصل مع افضل شركه تنظيف
مسابح للتخلص من اى شوائب وعدم الاصابه بالامراض لان عندما يكون المسبح متسخ يودى لنا امراض كثيره ومنها الحاسسيه والحمه والبرص
كلنا علمنا اهميه المسابح لما تدخله علينامن ا لسرور والمرح لدى الافراد سواء الكبار او الصغار كما ان المسابح ا تعد افضل ديكور وافضل منظر جميل يمكنك اضافته الى المكان الخاص بك
حتى تبدو بمظهر جيد وراقى ونحن فى شركتنا نمكنك من الحصول على مسبح نظيف ومميز بخطوات بسيطة
وسريعه ودون عناء او تكلفه وتنظيف المسابح من الاعمال المستمرة التى يجب القيام بها بشكل اسبوعى وتقوم شركتنا دوريا بتحديث الات الخاصة
بنا وتدريب العمال على احدث الوسائل والاختبارات التى يفترض اجراءها على المسابح لتقديم الخدمة ويتم تنظيف المسبح على اكمل وجه وتميز وعن كيفية القيام باعمال تنظيف المسبح و
هى التخلص من الاتربة وتأتى هذه المرحلة فى البداية قبل وجود المياه فى حمام السباحة وتكمن مشكله وجود الاتربة بعد تصفيه المياه من حماما السباحة ويتبقى على الجدران الكثير من الاتربة
والتى تهبط على حماما السباحة بطريقة طبيعية نظرا لوجوده فى فناء المنزل او الفيلا ويمكن التخلص منها عن طريق المكنسة الكهربائية والتى تمكنا من شفط جميع التربة الموجودة فى قاع المسبح وهناك انواع من الاتربة والاتساخات تلتصق
بجدران المسبح والحل للتخلص من مثل هذه الانواع من الاوساخ هو ضغط الماء وهذا ينتج من الخراطيم التقليدية عند توصيلها بالماء والضغط عليها
من المقدمة وبهذه الطريقة يمكنك التخلص من هذه الاوساخ افضل شركة تنظيف مسابح بالرياض ايضا وهناك مواد كثيرة تستعمل لتنقيه وتنظيف المياه فى المسبح وتنظيف
جزيئات مياه المسبح وهبوط الشوائب اسفل المسبح وهو الحفاظ على المسبح خالى من الطحالب كما نوفر المعدات و الاجهزة لتنظيف المسابح ومنها اجهزة البخار له اهمية كبرى فى تنظيف
المسابح من جميع البكتريا والفطريات والاتربة وجهاز الشفط يقوم بتفريغ المسبح من الماء ثم شفط جميع الاوساخ والاتربة والاشياء الاخرى الموجودة فى قاع المسبح وعملية التعقيم
هى عبارة عن اضافة كمية من الكلور وبكميه بسيطه مع اضافة مواد اخرى خاصة بعملية تعقيم وتنظيف المسبح قبل وضع المياه فيه وعمليات التعقيم والصيانة والتنظيف والترميم للمشكلة
الموجودة داخل المسبح
ومن اهم خدماتنا فى تنظيف المسابح هى نظافة وصيانة المضخات التى توجد بالمسابح وتنظيف الاوساخ المتراكمة داخل المسبح واستخدام اجهزة حديثة لشفط وتنظيف الاوراق والاتربة من داخل
وفى نهايه كلامى السلام عليكم ...وحماكم الله من كل سوء وشر...

LDSVenus said...

Laura, I forgot to ask about the Ashton shawl, it says it's a shawlette, are there any patterns in it that can be repeated to make it larger than a shawlette, or do you have to use a heavier wt yarn? Hope you find some time to blog here and there.