1. Go Outside. Look what I found on my deck Sunday night. I haven't seen a Praying Mantis since moving to VA. Walking Cleo also helps. You can't stay mad when there's a dog or other animal involved.
3. Spin for a while. ES knows by the sound of the wheel what kind of day I've had and whether it's safe to talk to me or to give me a little more time before asking how the day's gone.
5. Have a good cry. I'm always amazed at how good I feel after having a crying session. It seems like I can handle anything after a crying session.
6. Go for a massage. Yes, I need one soon!!
7. Help someone else. There's always someone worse off than yourself. You just have to go find them.
8. Watch a sunrise or sunset. There is beauty in the sun as it rises and sets which sets the tone for my day or night. One of the best things for me lately is watching the sun set as I drive home from work.
9. Read your scriptures. You can't stay mad or "blue" when reading the words of God.
10. Listen to some good music. We went Saturday night and listened to some Beatles songs. It was fun, got us singing along and feeling upbeat for the rest of the night.
That's a partial list for me. Some days one thing works better than another, but there's always something to help lighten my mood. How do you lighten your mood?
Happy knitting and spinning.