Wednesday, August 22, 2007

No knitting

Last night should have been a watch tv, knit night, but on the way home from work I picked up "R" and decided he needed to go to the "Doc in the box" instead. I asked him who "jumped" him. He said he wrecked on the bicycle. Doesn't he look wonderful? This was four hours after the fact with ice and ibuprofen. Today he doesn't look nearly as bad and his eye doesn't seem to be as swollen either.
On the knitting front: I am working on a shawl which will be a Christmas present. I think I have to start now to get everything finished before the end of December. I have numerous things to knit on the "list", lots of little things that won't take very long, but really do end up taking forever.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ouch!! --Lyn